Telugu superstar Chiranjeevi has a huge fan following in the United States and many of them have thrown their weight behind the actor who is set to launch his political party on Aug 26. A group of NRIs will launch a 'maha yatra' or mega tour of Andhra Pradesh from here on Thursday to mobilise public support for the actor's first public meeting to be held in the temple town of Tirupati. The actor on Monday night threw a gala dinner for about 300 NRIs, who had arrived here, to campaign for his party. The dinner at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) was attended by Chiranjeevi, his brother and actor Pavan Kalyan, brother-in-law and chief advisor Allu Arvind and some close aides. Chiranjeevi, who has a three-decade long film career, on Sunday announced his entry into politics and said he was dedicating his life to public service. The NRIs hailed the superstar's decision and hoped that he would usher Andhra Pradesh into an era of development and prosperity. Pavan Kalyan urged the NRIs to adopt a village each to undertake development works. After his impressive political debut, Chiranjeevi and his aides have now focused their attention on the Aug 26 public meeting when he would announce the name and agenda of the party. Sources close to Chiranjeevi said they expect a million people at the public meeting. More than 5,000 NRIs are also expected to attend the meet. Various associations of Telugu-speaking NRIs are busy making arrangements for the journey to Tirupati. Some of the NRIs in New Jersey recently held a video conference with Chiranjeevi's brother Nagendra Babu, a key figure in the proposed party. Chiru, as Chiranjeevi is popularly known, has a huge fan following among the NRIs in US, especially in cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit and New Jersey. The NRIs were also in the forefront of a campaign to urge the superstar to enter politics. In January this year, one of the NRI groups, Pro Telugu Forum (PTF), launched an online campaign 'Change and hope with Chiranjeevi' to mobilise support for the actor and to appeal to him to take the plunge into politics. The group conducted events in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Virginia, New Jersey, Bay Area, Los Angeles and Detroit. |
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Chiranjeevi has a huge fan following in the United States
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Chiranjeevi Tirupati Meeting
Another chapter begins in Chiranjeevi political party history. India’s leading event management company Wiz craft International is yet to organize a first biggest event based political function in their eventual career. Yes, Wiz craft International, the event management company that handles all major film events in Bollywood has been given the responsibility of organizing Megastar Chiranjeevi’s public meeting in Tirupati on August 26.In true filmy style, the event is slated to have 20 giant screens all around the venue that will show the proceedings on stage live. The Rajiv Nagar ground has a capacity of around seven lakh people. The mega camp is expecting around 10 lakh people to attend the meet. Buses carrying fans will not be allowed into the town on D-Day. Arrangements are being made to divert traffic via the bypass road directly to the venue.
Megastar Chiranjeevi will fly in his own chopper to the venue directly on August 26, 2008. The meeting is scheduled from 5:30pm to 9:30pm. Chiru’s group for accommodation for media and guests has booked 300 rooms. Around 70 marriage halls around Kavali, Sullurpet, Nellore, Gudur, Naidupet and outskirts of Tirupati have also been booked for their entourage. Extensive arrangements are being made to ensure that there is enough drinking water provided at the venue.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Chiranjeevi evokes NRI interest
The PTF has conducted "Change & Hope with Chiranjeevi" meetings in Dallas, Chicago, Houston, New Jersey, Washington, San Jose, Los Angeles and Atlanta, which witnessed huge turn out with active participants, opining and highlighting the critical failures of TDP and Congress in meeting the aspirations of the majority and their utter callousness to address the social and political imbalances. They anonymously expressed their confidence that, the new Chiranjeevi party will champion the cause of the backward and deprived sections, the continuous and acknowledged social activities, accomplishments and personality of Chiranjeevi will stand a testimony to this and a political entry would give him a wider opportunity to serve the people, who would definitely back him as their representative en masse.
The deliberations included parties like Lok Satta, which advocate democratic virtues and other smaller outfits championing varied social interests but culminated in highlighting the pervasiveness, penetration, appeal, universality and acceptability of Chiranjeevi and advocated the splinter groups to rally behind him, who can be a viable, consensual and gigantic force, which would unleash new horizons in the political history of Andhra Pradesh.
The conveners of PTF, who are mooting the NRI opinion in support of Chiranjeevi through meetings and online forum at, expressed happiness about the tremendous and spontaneous response from all quarters expressing solidarity. The curiosity, developments and turn of events both home and abroad highlight and indicate the commotion and consternation that will be created in Andhra politics with the Superstar's arrival.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Chiranjeevi NRI Fans
300 NRI fans arrive in City to campaign for Chiranjeevi
HYDERABAD: The NRI fans of actorturned- politician Chiranjeevi decided to tour the State from August 21 to 28 to mobilise support for the actor. About 300 NRI fans of Chiranjeevi arrived in Hyderabad and are planning to campaign for the actor.
Narsaiah Vadranam, president of the NRI Fans Association of Chiranjeevi told reporters here that they will travel through Nalgonda, Khammam, Nujiveedu, Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur, Bapatla and reach Tirupati on 26 to participate in the public meeting of Chiranjeevi who is expected to make an announcement of the party.
Later, they will tour Rayalaseema districts and reach Hyderabad on August 28. As part of the tour they will organise meetings at several places enroute to request public to support Chiranjeevi.
Narsaiah informed that they have organised 50 conventions in the last eight months in the US, UK, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore.
The response to the conventions was overwhelming and people turned out in big numbers, he said.